Panama Farmlife March 5, 2025

Eeeaaaoooo. Eeeaaaoooo. It is 3a. The vocalization jars my deep sleep. Sounds like a raptor. Not an owl. Terradactyl maybe. Whatever it is... I want to silence it. Kill it. The dogs erupt in frenzied barking. Sleep is gone. I am an absolute animal lover and crusader of rights of every living thing. Yet, limits... I do have limits. In the tropics on a farm, I have limits. In my house? If it can't be encouraged to leave on its own accord, scooped in a cup and thrown out the front door or guided by the broom to find a path out... I will help it depart...this life if necessary. Yes. This animal lover will use any means available to eradicate the threat. Especially if its presence may be harmful to me, my husband or our fur babies. Out on the farm? Harmful to the horses or pig? There are no limits to the type of encouragement used to relocate whatever it is. ...