How Did I Get to This!?

My first blog, Journey to Panama, describes the adventures of my move to Panama for retirement with my then husband, Bryant, in 2018. His Panama adventure ended a year later when he returned to the U.S. and we divorced the following year. We remain friendly. Finding myself now single in a foreign country was not my retirement plan! But, I am my dad's daughter and life's challenges and diversions are just unplanned opportunities. As the December holidays were approaching in 2019, I decided on a new adventure... riding horses in the Andes of Argentina with friends that settled in the Boquete area from Canada. My dad being from Montreal was the icebreaker. After all, I am part Canadian by ... injection! As the date approached for the final payment, a little voice in my head said "Call your cousin Malori and go on one of her Jewish single's cruises instead of freezing your butt off riding a horse and camping in the Andes! What? Are...